Retail Fund
Selector Australian Equities Fund
The Selector Australian Equities Fund invests in businesses listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Our bottom up stock selection process produces a portfolio of our best ideas. The portfolio is high conviction and index agnostic. These businesses generally sit within the S&P ASX 300 Index, although non-index businesses can be included.
The Selector Australian Equities Fund is open to retail investors.
The Responsible Entity and issuer of the Selector Australian Equities Fund is Equity Trustees Limited (ABN 46 004 031 298 | AFSL 240975), a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited (ABN 22 607 797 615), which is a public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The product disclosure statement and investment forms, distributed by Equity Trustees Limited, can be found by clicking the link below.
If you are dissatisfied with your dealings with our fund administrator, Apex Fund Services, Equity Trustees has a formal complaints handling process. To lodge a formal complaint, please contact the Trustee on:
Phone: 1300 133 472
Email: [email protected]
Alternatively, contact us directly at Selector Funds Management Limited:
Phone: +61 2 8311 7736
Email: [email protected]
Initial and additional applications may be made online via our administrators’ web portal.
Web Portal
Application Form
For any other forms relating to your investment, please see the Apex Registry forms library.