
Selector Funds Management is a founder owned and led business. We invest alongside our clients in the funds that we run. We are open minded and prepared to explore new avenues. We seek to employ people who act ethically at all times, strive to constantly improve and generate outperformance for our clients.

Tony Scenna

Founding Director & Portfolio Manager
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Corey Vincent

Founding Director & Portfolio Manager
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John Maragiannis

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George Giovas

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Kari Humphrey

Deputy Portfolio Manager | Head of Dealing & ESG
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Harry Mentis-Bullock

Deputy Portfolio Manager
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Carolyn Kiffin

Head of Operations and Compliance
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Justin Brooks

Head of Distribution & Portfolio Specialist
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Yarina Petrychuk

Operations Analyst
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Doug Coulter

Data Scientist
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Kevin Najanurdin

Reporting and Research Associate
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